Death / thrash carnage! Feel the unstoppable brutality of Dying Fetus, the heavy metal anthems of 3 Inches of Blood, the thrashing chaos of Warbringer and the industrial grooves / thrash of Prong. Add to this the progressive epics of Ne Obliviscaris, the technical savagery of Hideous Divinity and the wrath of the Egyptian gods of Nile!
Prepare for a journey through the atmospheric landscapes of black metal! Immerse yourself in the mysticism of RUÏM, the avant-garde darkness of WHITE WARD, and the melancholic void of HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY. Or step into the kaleidoscopic chaos of ORANSSI PAZUZU, the raw rebellion of FURIA, the uncompromising menace of DARK FUNERAL, or the Western storytelling of WAYFARER.