
A military 18th century fortress is not a standard venue for a music festival. Due to its original purpose
it has an interesting layout thanks to which the festival can think of itself as of small town with stone
pubs and bars, tiny squares and plenty of seating inside the walls to shelter from the weather.
- unique and amazingly ragged location of a historical fortress with atmosphere and powerful genius loci
- four stages plus the experimental KAL club with absinthe bar
- art galleries and exhibitions
- chill out zone with merch stands
- horror cinema
- „natural“ stand located opposite to the main stages


The unique line-up of the festival aims to broaden your horizons. Surely, metal is dominant but the
common denominator for all the artists and genres is their hard core and dark aura, be it headliners or
- 125 shows
- 4 days full of music plus Tuesday‘s warm-up party
- perfect genre balance
- breaking down the genre boundaries
- uniqueness and freshness - premiere concerts on BA make up up to 40%
- musical experimental club KAL with ambient and electronic genres


The rugged space of the historic 18th century fortress offers not only interesting places but also
increased comfort. Within the walls of this small town you'll find everything you need for a few days'
stay on a metal holiday: stone pubs, wine bars and bars with plenty of places to sit and relax hidden in
the walls and cellars for protection from the weather, but also grassy chill-out areas or a horror cinema.
- brick pubs with beer served in glass
- absinth bar with ambient/experimental music
- shelter from the weather
- „natural“ stand with a unique, impressive view for watching concerts on the main stages
- VIP lounges - two elevated stands above the sound system in front of the main stages with the best sound


Takes a good and varied diet to spend several days at a festival! That is why you will find cuisines from
all over the world represented here. You don't just have to eat well, you can also explore and discover
new tastes. All in one place!
- great local, ethnic and vegan cuisine
- proper beer culture
- craft beers including the festival special
- absinth bar, wine cellars, stylish cafes
- tea room, cafes


Because 25,000 people in 5 days already generate waste, we said STOP plastic 12 years ago!
Even single-use plastics are hardly found on the festival grounds. To eliminate it, we have done:
- in 2011, we were the 1st CZE festival introducing returnable design cups
- in 2012, we were the 1st CZE festival who introduce serving on organic natural plates (made from leaves of Palma tree)
- we use wooden tools, straws and small containers for drinks are made of paper
- we sort waste, we have our own waste management systém
- we plant Brutal Forest to reduce the ecological footprint of the festival
- we use locally sourced food
- we support fair trade products


There is no need to talk about the top-quality sound system, the large LED screen between the two
main stages, horror cinema and meet & greet – it‘s a already standard. Considering ecology, the
festival is literally clean. However, there are few other things that need to be mentioned at least:
- the whole festival is purely cashless
- fulfillment will ensure that the bracelets with chips are sent to your home before the festival
- truly sophisticated mobile app incl. localization of friends, tents, etc.
- Brutal TV is streaming the concerts
- guarded camps, depositories and lockerboxes
- art exhibitions and expositions - dark, marginal art is not just music
- talks with special guests
- strong side programme