Brutal is forced to postpone to 2021


These are difficult news to break but alas, here we are. After long weeks of waiting, hoping and inventing alternative scenarios, we came to the conclusion that in the current situation it is impossible to hold the festival this summer. We are forced to postpone our 25th anniversary to the next year. Hence, the next Brutal Assault is taking place August 10 - 14, 2021.

We are sure that all of You will understand that no other solution is possible due to medical risk, restrictive government policies and next to impossible international travel. We have already confirmed most of the major bands from the current bill for the next year so you can expect the same quality line-up you are used to and we will work hard on spicing it up even more.

Last but not least, we want to appeal to you for your help! You can support the festival by keeping your tickets, and if you haven't bought them yet, we will be happy if you do so in the near future as the tickets already purchased for this year will continue to be valid for the next year. On Monday, May 11, we will release the first wave of tickets for 2021. In the meantime, we will use the dead season to work on further improving the festival area and push the fortress ever closer to its former imperial glory while taking on the task of securing the best and most interesting artists for the following year.

Additional information (especially regarding tickets and refunds) will be announced on Monday, May 11.

Stay safe!
Your BA team