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Země: Germany

MENTAL CRUELTY were formed in 2016 and in a relatively short period of time they have generated interest with their recordings, which have been followed by several tours in Europe and North America. Collaborating with American producer Josh Schroeder (Lorna Shore ad.) on their album A Hill To Die Upon (2021, Unique Leader Records), they have created a well-received and long-lasting brutal record.

But MENTAL CRUELTY, with their new record Zwielicht (2023, Century media), write a new era of darkness, incorporating epic orchestrations into their blackened deathcore that also uses slam and much more black metal, opening the gates of hell on the way to the depths for you to be reborn in the eternal flames just as they were.
The intensity, brutality and delivery of new vocalist Lukas Nicolai may remind you of Lorne Shore, however, again produced by Josh Schroeder, they venture to different and darker shores.

MENTAL CRUELTY are consolidating their position, keeping up with the top of the genre and intend to continue their direction and conquest of the world with uncompromising shows.